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Welcome to Year 4

In Year 4 we focus on developing the children’s individuality, independence and love of learning through providing a broad and varied curriculum intertwined with a wealth of enrichment activities both inside and outside the classroom. Miss Shard and Miss Fletcher are the class teachers and work alongside Mrs Atherton, Mrs Moulinos and Mrs Bridges to support the children in their learning. One fantastic experience that children have in Year Four is a three-day residential to Tattenhall. During this trip, children learn lots of team-building skills, undertake a range of adrenaline-filled activities and develop their artistic abilities. It really is an experience they will never forget. The pupils will also take part in swimming lessons, rugby coaching and themed trips over the year.


Homework is set every Tuesday and due in by the following Monday. Each piece of homework should take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Homework is alternated between maths and English weekly. If your child ever struggles or needs extra support with their homework, please encourage them to speak to their class teacher before the hand-in date or send an email to their teacher via message@stwilfridsprimary.co.uk.


It is imperative that your child reads every night. Please record your child’s progress in their reading diaries at least 5 times every week. Whenever you listen to your child read, please ask them questions linked to the content of the text including asking them to retrieve answers from the text, making predictions about what might happen next, give their opinions on characters, discuss new words within the context of the sentence and also summarise what they have read in a concise way. We love reading in Year 4 and share a number of novels with the children such as Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling, The Explorer by Katherine Rundell and Beetle Boy by M.G. Leonard to name a few. All of these books have fantastic sequels that we encourage the children to read for their individual reading books. 


Spelling lists are emailed half-termly. Children are taught the patterns in school and are expected to follow along with revision at home. Revision can take the form of working with an adult, using ‘look, cover, write, check’ and accessing Spelling Frame. At the end of the half term, the children will be quizzed on 20 words – randomly selected from the patterns taught that half term. 


In Year Four, a range of mathematical topics are covered including place value, multiplication and division, shape, fractions and measurement. At the end of Year 4, there is a national Time Tables test so every child needs to know all of their times tables off by heart. We use TTrockstars to help with this and have weekly battles with the winning team earning the TTRockstars cup. The children use TT Rockstars regularly in school but it is important that the children also use this at home as much as possible. 


Over the year, the children will be taught to include a wider range of punctuation in their written work alongside growing complexity of grammatical conventions. These will include fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases, subordination and literary conventions such as personification. We will also be developing our editing skills and ability to self-check and further improve our writing.

Finally, Year Four is a really exciting year and one where the children flourish, grow and become more mature, independent learners. If you ever need any further support, or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher via message@stwilfridsprimary.co.uk.  

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