Welcome to Year 2
Welcome to Year 2 with Mrs Fahimi and Mis Parr. We are supported by our teaching assistants Mrs Visagie and Mrs Freeman.
There are lots of exciting things to look forward to in Year 2. At Christmas, we visit the Brindley Theatre to watch the pantomime. In the summer term, we visit Norton Priory to explore the minibeasts which can be found in the grounds. We learn about the events of the Great Fire of London in English, we recall the continents and oceans in Geography and we are very lucky to learn how to sing and play instruments with an external specialist.
English and maths homework are sent home on alternate weeks. Children bring their homework books home on Tuesdays and are expected to return them on the following Monday. Spellings are sent home weekly in homework books. They are based on the spelling patterns which we have learnt that week in school. Your child will be tested at the end of each half term on a selection of these words. Maths homework consists of a skills-based activity which gives the children the opportunity to revise their arithmetic. There is also a fluency activity which focuses on the weekly maths objective. We expect parents to work on basic counting skills at home. This includes counting forwards and backwards to 100, recalling number bonds to 10 and 20 and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. In the autumn term, children are encouraged to use Numbots to develop their sense of number and quick mental recall. They will begin using Times Tables Rockstars in the spring term to work on their rapid recall of the necessary times tables facts.
The children continue to follow the Little Wandle scheme which is taught in EYFS and Year 1. Each week, children bring home a reading book which they have previously read in school. This book is familiar and most children should be able to read it fluently. When children have completed the Little Wandle scheme, and they have become fluent readers, they will progress onto longer (chapter) books which they will change fortnightly. Each child will also bring home two further books. A book which they should be able to decode and a library book which can be read to them and enjoyed as a shared book. All children are expected to read five times per week at home as a minimum and this is recorded in reading diaries.
Suggested authors (age appropriate)
Roald Dahl, Guy Bass, Dick King Smith.
Useful websites