
At St Wilfrid's our children are...

At St Wilfrid’s, our Computing curriculum aims to offer children a wide range of learning through its three core areas: Computer Science, Digital Literacy and Information Technology, developing lifelong skills as well as confidence and enthusiasm for the subject. Alongside this learning, children will be taught to use technology in a safe and responsible manner through a progressive scheme of learning. As participants in a digital world – which is ever changing – children will be taught to develop skills allowing them to contribute to the world in a positive way.
We aim to deliver a challenging and enjoyable Computing curriculum which equips children with knowledge and understanding of the technology that surrounds them. Children learn coding skills, how to be safe in the online world and how to use digital technology in creative and functional ways, as well as being able to apply these skills in different areas of the curriculum.
We want children to enjoy their computing lessons, be challenged and have opportunities to succeed in a wide variety of digital tasks. They will build practical skills to enable them to successfully access technology and prepare them for key stage 3 and beyond. As part of our esafety programme, we will encourage children to respect others online, as well as support them to understand how to keep themselves safe and how to seek help and support if they experience dangers online.
Computing is planned using the Purple Mash scheme with each class covering several discrete units during the year. The scheme is closely referenced against the 2014 National Curriculum to ensure progression and coverage is clear. These units are in the three key areas of the Computing curriculum; computer science, information technology and digital literacy. In addition, all children complete regular sessions of online safety. The computing scheme of work lays out the sequential steps to be taught so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before and pupils can work towards clearly defined high quality outcomes.
Although there are no specific ELG that include computing, our children’s journey in Computing still starts in Reception with access to Purple Mash, ipads and Beebots. Children from Y1 to Y6 then have a weekly computing lesson with work recorded in their own folder within Purple Mash.
In order to access the modern world, children should have an excellent understanding of a wide range of computing. They will learn to use a range of programs and have opportunities to write their own. Children are given access to a range of equipment to support their learning: IPads, cameras, interactive whiteboards, data logging technology, Bee-bots etc. Where appropriate, meaningful links will be made between the computing curriculum and the wider curriculum. For example, using Excel in maths, Google Earth for Geography and eBooks for reading.
Children enjoy computing and are excited to learn new skills and challenge a wide variety of digital tasks. The range of skills they acquire enables them to work confidently with technology and prepares them for future life. They can discuss the technology they use and share ideas with others for how to move forward or solve problems. Children understand links between computing and other subjects and can apply skills they have learnt to tasks beyond the computing curriculum. They understand how to keep themselves safe, what they should or shouldn’t share online and how to seek help and support if they experience dangers online.