Art and Design

At St Wilfrid's our children are...

We believe that Art and Design should engage, inspire and challenge children, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to explore, experiment and create their own pieces of work. We aim to develop their ability to observe, investigate, respond to and record the world around them through a growing variety of forms and media, and foster an understanding and enjoyment of art and design. As children move through school, they should be able to think more critically about art and know how it has reflected and shaped our history, and how it contributes to the culture and creativity of our world today.
We want children to experience a broad and balanced range of art activities, developing their use of a range of tools, media and processes, and show progression within these experiences. Children will develop an understanding of the work of some famous artists, and apply this knowledge to their own work.
Children’s artistic journeys start in the early years where children learn through mark making and experimenting under the strand of ‘Expressive Arts and Design.’ From Year 1-6 Art is delivered through the CUSP scheme of work which delivers 5 blocks of work per year across a range of medium. Each strand of art (drawing, painting, printing, textiles, 3D and collage) is covered and revisited so that pupils retain and build upon prior learning. Each block has specific focus vocabulary which links to the learning in that block and helps children to use the correct terminology for the skill being taught.
Sketchbooks are a valuable part of our children's journey through their art curriculum, demonstrating their experimental ideas, their skills practice and documenting their thoughts and responses to specific pieces of work.
Learning Art and Design will inspire the next generation of artists, designers and creators that are vital for our future world. By the end of key stage two, our children have explored a range of artistic materials and techniques, building a deep knowledge and understanding of how specific results are achieved. They are able to both critique and receive constructive feedback on their work, using this to shape future creations.
Children can express informed opinions, make connections and have a developing knowledge of artists from different periods. They have built the skills needed to produce their own works across a range of styles and media and by the end of Key Stage 2 are ready to move on to develop their artistic skills further at high school.