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At St Wilfrid's our children are...




Early Years - In EYFS, we use EY2P for our writing planning as the children begin their writing journey at St Wilfrid's.

Pathways to Write - We use Pathways to Write to structure our teaching of writing from Year 1 to Year 6. Pathways to Write ensures that all elements of the English curriculum are taught in a clearly sequenced, evidence-based curriculum. The teaching of writing is based on the use of ‘keys’ to structure the children’s learning:

  • Gateway keys: These are previously taught elements of writing which are consistently revisited in the teaching/assessment of children’s writing
  • Mastery Keys: The introduction of the new objectives for the unit in line with the National Curriculum expectation
  • Feature Keys: the genre specific elements expected from that unit

Pathways to Write uses a text-based approach to the teaching of English. Please see below for the texts covered half termly for years 1-6, in addition to the progression in mastery keys at St Wilfrid’s.

Pathways to Write Overview

Handwriting – In EYFS and Y1, children will be taught to print letters, with cursive handwriting being introduced from Y2. This is in line with government guidance and to ensure that children are fully secure with their letter formation prior to moving on to cursive writing. All children will be taught to join using our school handwriting policy.

Spelling – The teaching of spelling is done daily. In KS1, the Little Wandle systematic synthetic phonics programme is used to teach spelling (see early reading and phonics for more information).

From years 2-6, spelling is taught daily using our spelling scheme. The structure of spelling lessons follow a ‘revisit/review, teaching of new sound/pattern, application’ sequence which is implemented consistently throughout school.

The use of spellingframe is also encouraged both in school and at home to support children’s knowledge of taught spelling patterns and rules. In KS2, spellings will be sent home half-termly to allow grown-ups to see an overview of focused spelling patterns for that half term and support children in their learning/practice.

Speaking and listening – Through the use of Pathways to Write, enrichment activities and within other subjects, children are taught to develop their speaking and listening skills. This may be in the form of discussion, debates, presentations or performances.


The impact of our English curriculum is measured in the following ways:

  • Formative assessment – children are given lots of opportunities to demonstrate their spoken language and listening skills throughout lessons in the classroom, extra-curricular activities and enrichment activities. Children are also given opportunities to write frequently with regular opportunities to produce extended pieces with opportunity to compose, edit and redraft writing.
  • Pupil Voice – the engagement of our pupils with the English curriculum will be reflected in pupil discussions
  • External assessments – At the end of KS2, pupils will be assessed against the National Framework for writing. See below for the example framework and writing exemplifications
  • Handwriting – evidence in children’s written work (across all subjects) is reflective of taught handwriting scheme

Our Writing Documents

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