School Council
'Both adults and pupils are confident that if they express their views they are actively listened to.' - SIAMS 2019

Our School Council are a small group of Year 5/6 children chosen by the whole school who have a very real input into the decisions that affect the day to day running of the school. After all children are the most important stakeholders!
The role has several main objectives:
- To be a real voice towards issues in school.
- To help to improve daily life in school for everyone
- To listen to all children’s voices / concerns and address these as a School Council group
- To plan special days for the school eg fundraising
Every year our Year 5 and 6 children are invited to apply for the position on the School Council. This year we had 42 applications which were shortlisted to 14 children who were asked to make a 1 minute campaign video to show to the school. All children then had the opportunity to vote for the 2 people who they thought would make a difference to our school be being a school councillor.
Elections took place using real election booths and ballot boxes kindly loaned by Warrington Borough Council so that children could have the experience of a real election and understand the importance of democracy.
Congratulations to our elected School Council for 2024-2025 - James, Elsie, Sophie, Oscar, Jack, Eris, Jessica and Sadie. We can't wait to see you in action!
MP visit

As part of our Aspirations Week, we invited 24 parents, grandparents and members of the local community to come and speak with the children to share more information about their role and what they had to do to achieve their goals in life. We were very lucky that one of our visitors was our local MP Sarah Hall who came to lead an assembly in school and then met with our school council to answer some questions. This is an account of the visit from 2 of our school council members:
During Aspirations week, the local MP came into our school to talk about her job. She talked about how she worked in London (The Houses of Parliament) for half of the week. After she finished her assembly, 4 of our School Council (Sadie, Jack, Jessica and Eris) interviewed her and asked lots of important questions about what we could do to improve our local area and what she would like to change in Warrington. Our final questions was 'What's your favourite dinosaur?' and Sarah answered this in a lot of detail, she knows her dinosaurs!
When we'd had our conversation, we all had a big photo and she gave us some tips on fundraising events, so our next ones will be even better!