'Both adults and pupils are confident that if they express their views they are actively listened to.' - SIAMS 2019
School Council
Our School Council are a small group of Year 5/6 children chosen by the whole school who have a very real input into the decisions that affect the day to day running of the school. After all children are the most important stakeholders!
The role has several main objectives:
- To be a real voice towards issues in school.
- To help to improve daily life in school for everyone
- To listen to all children’s voices / concerns and address these as a School Council group
- To plan special days for the school eg fundraising
Every year our Year 5 and 6 children and invited to apply for the position on the School Council. This year we had 42 applications which were shortlisted to 14 children who were asked to make a 1 minute campaign video to show to the school. All children then had the opportunity to vote for the 2 people who they thought would make a difference to our school be being a school councillor.
Elections took place using real election booths and ballot boxes kindly loaned by Warrington Borough Council so that children could have the experience of a real election and understand the importance of democracy.
Congratulations to our elected School Council for 2024-2025 - James, Elsie, Sophie, Oscar, Jack, Eris, Jessica and Sadie. We can't wait to see you in action!