Our Curriculum
At St Wilfrid's, our children...

Our Curriculum vision is to give every child in our school an opportunity to let their light shine in everything they do. Our aim is for the children to be inspired by learning, be challenged and motivated to become independent, lifelong learners.
We believe we have developed a progressive and inclusive curriculum which is ambitious, exciting and relevant to our pupils in our school. It includes not only the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum but also a wide range of extra-curricular activities which enrich the children’s school experience. We want to give children the opportunities to maximise their academic, artistic, personal and sporting potential and aspire to be the best they can be.
Our curriculum builds on knowledge and skills from previous year groups whilst also linking to those which are yet to come in the future. It is our whole-school responsibility to ensure that children retain what they have learned in the long term. We encourage long term recollection of the key knowledge and vocabulary through frequent reference to it and retrieval of previously learned content.
We aim to instil a desire in each child to want to know and achieve more so that they may increase their skills, knowledge and understanding in order to be equipped for life in the twenty first century.
Our curriculum is designed so that each subject is taught discretely with some subjects taught continuously through the year and others delivered in block units. Lessons are carefully sequenced to build on prior learning and ensure progression, and are structured so that they are engaging and challenging for all learners. There are clear end points for each unit which are shared with the children throughout their learning journey as well as set key vocabulary which the children should understand and use regularly in their lessons. Retrieval activities are built into lessons as well as regular quizzes which help to consolidate subject specific knowledge, vocabulary, concepts and skills to embed understanding.
The learning delivered in the classrooms is enhanced through our offer of a wide range of extra-curricular activities, so that pupils interests and talents can be further developed, leading to deep and secure understanding. We offer varied visits and educational experiences designed to support the curriculum and also invite visitors into school on a regular basis to enrich the learning of our children.
Through thorough monitoring and assessment, we can identify children who may be in need of further support and provide extra intervention to help them with their learning. Teachers are continuously monitoring progress within their class and addressing gaps and misconceptions to ensure children receive what they need to help them reach their full potential.
Our school vision ‘Let your light shine for others to see' (Matthew 5:16) defines our purpose. Through this vision, we encourage children to develop positive attitudes to life and learning, enabling them to reach their full potential and flourish. Our school values are embedded across our curriculum, leading children to think critically about their contribution to the world and to develop an awareness of the impact their own actions can have on others. Equality and Diversity run through our curriculum offer. Everyone is welcome in our school, valued for who they are and respected for their beliefs.
Every child is given the opportunity to...
create understand perform
visit experience know
reflect participate achieve
We use a range of strategies to help assess the impact of our curriculum including pupil voice, lesson visits, book scrutinies, end of unit quizzes, questioning, and termly formal assessments. As we have identified key endpoints in each subject for each year group, we are able to evaluate how effectively our children are learning and identify subjects and/or children where additional support is needed. Through developing and maintaining effective subject leaders across the school who are able to accurately evaluate their subject, as well as passionately promote and support it, we are able to ensure high standards across all subjects.
We want children to grow into positive, responsible people who can contribute positively to society, while at the same time developing their knowledge and skills in order to achieve their full potential. We believe that by the time children leave St Wilfrid’s they will have received a comprehensive and meaningful curriculum to develop their learning and set them on the path to be lifelong learners.
Key Learning
For each of our foundation curriculum subjects we have highlighted some key learning and concepts for each year group which we believe are fundamental in our children's learning and understanding.
These objectives can be found on the following document:
Curriculum Documents
For more information on our curriculum please contact our curriculum lead Anna Handley. For more focused details about current learning in each subject, please visit the individual subject pages which can be accessed via the main menu at the top of the page.
Church of England's vision for education
The National Curriculum programmes of study