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Welcome to Year 3

Mrs Hilldrup, Mrs Riley and Mrs Howard welcome you to Year 3.  We also have Mrs. Moulinos and Miss Sampson working with us.

Throughout the year we will be enjoying the thrills and spills of our engaging St. Wilfrid’s curriculum, supplemented with some exciting trips to Warrington museum and the cinema. For the whole of the autumn term, year 3 also take part in fantastic forest school sessions. As the church plays such a significant role in our school, parents and pupils can also look forward to a Class Worship and to celebrating important religious events in our wonderful church.


In Year 3 we expect children to read at least 5 nights a week for 15-20 minutes. Questioning is really important so please try to ask your child questions about the book they’re reading. If you need support with the types of questions to ask, please refer to the 'Questions to use when reading at home’ document on the school website (Curriculum tab - Reading tab). Please use your child's reading diary to log your child’s reading. If the book your child has chosen proves to be too easy or difficult, or no longer keeps your child’s interest, then please let us know. We will visit our wonderful school library once a week and your child is welcome to take a book home to enjoy.


Spellings linked to the daily spelling lessons will be sent home at the beginning of the half term and a random selection will be tested at the end of each half term. To practise these spellings with your child please use the ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check’ approach, play snap games or try colour coding the patterns or sounds within the words. We also use the Spelling Frame website, which can be used at home to practise the weekly spellings through interactive activities and games. 


English homework is set once a fortnight (alternating with mathematics).  We expect the homework tasks to take approximately 30 minutes so please feel free to stop your child after the allotted time.  Your child should complete their tasks in their English homework books in pencil, unless they have been awarded their pen licence.  They should be able to complete the majority of the tasks independently but may, on occasion, need some guidance.


We begin the year by covering place value and then focus on the four number operations which underpin our learning throughout the year. From this we will then cover measures, geometry, fractions and statistics. In year 3, your child will be expected to learn the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. We encourage them log into TT Rock Stars at least 3 times a week.

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