During October Year 6 enjoy their annual residential trip to the PGL centre in Boreatton Park in the heart of Shropshire. During their time there, they enjoy a wide range of activities including abseiling, canoeing, raft building and many more. It is great that most years every single member of Year 6 signs up for the trip and although it’s not always easy being away from home, the children get so much out of the experience as well as developing their independence and responsibility skills.
Back in school, they have used the experience to complete a number of pieces of writing, including a persuasive text for PGL to use on their website to advertise the centre.
Here are just a couple of examples of the paragraphs written:
Fabulous Facilities
PGL is surrounded by luscious, vibrant countryside which you can admire from your luxurious 5 star accommodation. Our 5 star cabins will keep you warm and dry thanks to the underfloor heating and when you need waking up after an astonishing night, our en-suite bathrooms with the relaxing shower will do just that! After an exhausting, jam-packed day full of adventure, you can rest your head on the memory foam mattresses. You can either stay in the Mansion House or in our comfy cabins, but if they don’t float your boat and it is the outdoors you crave, then our tented village will be right up your street.
Glorious Grub
After action-packed activities, you and your friends will need refuelling. But don’t worry, at PGL there is a variety of mouth-watering food even if you are vegetarian, vegan or if you only eat gluten free. There is something for everyone. After a peaceful, calm sleep, the PGL staff will prepare sizzling sausages, bacon, egg and black pudding mmmmmm! This is the boring part… there is a Salad Bar!!! Noooo!!! However there is also a Tuck Shop (Yes!) but sshhh don’t tell the teachers!!!
What a lot of tantalising treats and scrumptious food!
‘PGL is where you can conquer your fears and find out more about your friends and teachers.'
‘PGL eliminates all traces of boredom and replaces it with something spectacular.’
‘PGL is a thrilling experience that will leave you wnting more.’
‘Because we suffer from the monotonous regularity of everyday life, PGL’s arduous activities were a perfect escape from the confinement of the classroom.’
‘The greatest experience you will ever have!’
‘Wounds heal but to miss PGL would be unhealable!’