Above and Beyond

‘I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full’
John 10:10
At St. Wilfrid’s we offer a curriculum which gives our children an opportunity to shine not just academically but which also provides a wide range of rich experiences to support their personal development. We provide opportunities to develop the children’s talents and interests as well as enhancing their social, moral, spiritual and cultural development.
Out and About
We have a planned programme of exciting trips from Reception to year 6. They are designed for the children to participate in a range of cultural, musical and awe inspiring experiences. We want the children to experience history, geography and science first hand through fieldwork – who knows, it may inspire someone’s future career!
Our residential trips give the children the opportunity to learn about themselves, others and the world around them but most of all they are about having fun with their friends!
Extra-Curricular Clubs
We offer a wide range of extra curricular opportunities after school. Our aim is to nature and foster our pupils’ talents and interests. We are always looking for new ideas to extend of provision and this year has seen the addition of a coding club after listening to the children’s suggestions. Our sporting clubs provide lots of opportunities for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Community Links
We encourage our children to play an active role in our community, whether that is by raising money for local charities, visiting our neighbouring care home or by volunteering to help with our beehives.
We have lots of visitors throughout the year. We are excited to welcome a range of speakers to help the children understand the beliefs and opinions of others. Our visitors enrich our curriculum and bring learning alive.
Aspirations Week
Our Aspirations Week involved hosting 24 parents, grandparents and members of the community to come and speak with the children about their role and career and what path they have followed to get to where they are today. Visitors included a vet, postman, cyber technology specialist, paramedic, cabin crew, Britain's Got Talent choreographer and charity worker. We were also very lucky to receive a visit from our local MP, Sarah Hall, who talked about what changes she would like to make in Warrington and what her role entails in parliament. It certainly inspired lots of our children to think about their futures and how they could begin to achieve their goals.
Reading is at the heart of everything we do. We all love to read at St. Wilfrid’s, World Book Day is one of our favourite days of the year.
It starts with a bee
We have our very own hive full of St. Wilfrid's bees! Our children have been involved at every stage of the honey making process. Our hive is situated in St. Wilfrid's church grounds and although this is our first year of making honey, we came fourth in the Frodsham honey show. It takes patience, commitment and teamwork to make the perfect honey. Our beekeepers visit the bees every week and look after them and the rest of the school reaps the rewards. Our honey tastes delicious!
One of the highlights of Year 6 is being a Reception buddy. The relationships between our oldest and youngest pupils develop across the year and often continues well after our Year 6 children leave.
Life Skills
We believe that it is our responsibility to not only give our children a thorough academic curriculum, but to also equip them with the skills they will need as they move forward in life, for example First Aid training, mental health workshops and financial guidance.
Pupil responsibilities
We have a number of pupil groups in school where children can demonstrate their leadership and teamwork skills as well as making a difference at St Wilfrid’s. These include School Council, Sports Crew, Ethos group and Happiness Heroes.
Curriculum enrichment
We like to make our curriculum really come to life by giving the children opportunities to learn in different ways with various experiences. We also have our on-site Forest School which enables outdoor learning and environmental awareness.
Celebrations and Events
We celebrate a wide range of festivals and holidays in school and the children always enjoy joining together to mark these special occasions. Our 175th anniversary was a really special celebration and brought involvement from many past pupils including some in Australia!
British Values
We have 6 core Christian values at the heart of our curriculum – respect, sacrifice, love, hope, forgiveness and peace. The British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs are promoted through these values and through worship. In addition to this we have specific focus points during the year to allow us to think about how we can be better citizens of the world and ensure equality for all, these include Anti-Bullying week, Show Racism the Red Card Worshops and Black History Month.
Our Charity Calendar
We try to support a wide range of charities throughout the school year. We work very closely with Church to support local, national and international causes.
Time of Year |
Charity Organisation |
September/October |
Warrington Food Bank |
November |
Children in Need Royal British Legion |
December |
Children’s Society |
January |
Pupil fundraising for chosen charities |
February |
Lent |
March |
Lent |
April |
Lent (Food Bank) |
May |
Christian Aid |
June |
Pupil fundraising for chosen charities |
July |
Year 6 Enterprise |